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Università Liedia de Bulsan

Ensegnamenc pités - sezion taliana

Chësta plata mostra i insegnamënc dá fora al momënt te döes semestri (didatica dada fora). Al n'é nia na rapresentaziun dla strotöra dl curs de stüde.

Target: Interessá ala frecuënza di cursc singui, studënc incoming.


Semester 1

Literacy for Beginning Readers and Writers

8 CFU · 11447 · L-FIL-LET/12

Semester 1

English 2 - In-depth Analysis of Selected Topics

5 CFU · 11449 · L-LIN/12

English Language Teaching-L3: Approaches, syllabuses, lesson plans, assessment and materials in TEYL. Applications (Lab.)

2 CFU · 11449B · L-LIN/12 · EN

Cecilia Lazzeretti

Lynn Mastellotto

Semester 1

General Pedagogy and Didactics 2 - In-depth Analysis of Selected Topics

10 CFU · 11407

Semester 1

Research Methods and Academic Writing in Educational Contexts

7 CFU · 11403

Semester 1

Didactics of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2 - In-depth Analysis of Selected Topics

10 CFU · 11422

Semester 1

Didactics of History and Geography - In-depth Analysis of Selected Topics

10 CFU · 11414

Semester 1

Media Education; Educational System: Evaluation and Development

10 CFU · 11420

Semester 2

Didactics of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 1 - Basics

11 CFU · 11410

Semester 2

Literature and Children’s Literature

12 CFU · 11425

Italian Literature

3 CFU · 11425A · L-FIL-LET/10 · IT

Andrea Vitali

Children’s Literature

4 CFU · 11425C · M-PED/02 · IT

Dalila Forni

Semester 2

Pedagogy and Didactics of Music and Arts 2 - Specific Contents in Depth

10 CFU · 11417

Semester 2

First Language: Linguistics and Didactics

10 CFU · 11405 · L-FIL-LET/12

Semester 2

Ethics, History of Religions, and Social and Political Education

5 CFU · 11429

Semester 2

Institutional Frame and School Laws

5 CFU · 11428

Semester 2

History of Education and Comparative Education

8 CFU · 11404 · M-PED/02

Semester 2

Pedagogy and Didactics of Movement 1 - Basics

5 CFU · 11412 · M-EDF/01

Semester 2

Comparative Linguistics, Second-Language Acquisition and Didactics

10 CFU · 11415

Semester 1-2

Work Experience 1

5 CFU · 11406

Semester 1-2

Language competence B2/C1

2 CFU · 11432

Semester 1-2

Work Experience 2

5 CFU · 11413

Semester 1-2

Work Experience 5

20 CFU · 11431

Work Experience 5 - Work Experience Kindergarten

10 CFU · 11431A

Work Experience 5 - Work Experience Primary School

10 CFU · 11431B

Semester 1-2

Work Experience 4

5 CFU · 11426 · IT

Demis Basso

Antonella Brighi, Preside

Alessandro Failo

Daniele Ietri

Semester 1-2

Work Experience 3

10 CFU · 11419

Work Experience 3 - Work Experience Kindergarten

5 CFU · 11419A

Work Experience 3 - Work Experience Primary School

5 CFU · 11419B

Insegnamënc a lita

Semester 1

Yoga for Children laboratory

2 CFU · 11351 · M-PED/01 · IT

Antonietta Rozzi

Semester 1

German Sign Language A2.1 (lab.)

2 CFU · 12508 · M-PED/03 · DE

Barbara Schuster

Semester 1

Prevention of bullying and cyberbullying and promotion of psychological wellbeing from kindergarten to early adolescence (lab.)

2 CFU · 12496 · M-PSI/04

Semester 1

Introduction to German Sign Language (lab.)

2 CFU · 12482 · M-PED/03 · DE

Barbara Schuster

Semester 1

Philosophy for children

2 CFU · 12399 · M-PED/01

Semester 1

Academic writing - advanced level

2 CFU · 19008 · L-FIL-LET/12 · IT

Matteo Largaiolli

Semester 1

History and Sociology of Popular Music

6 CFU · 54043 · L-ART/07 · IT

Paolo Somigli

Semester 1

German-Italian bilingual theatre (lab.)

2 CFU · 12510 · L-ART/07 · DE

Giuseppina Crescenzo

Semester 1

Teaching the history of the Shoah (lec.)

2 CFU · 12498 · M-STO/04 · EN

Antonella Tiburzi

Semester 1

Introduction to academic writing

2 CFU · 19002 · L-LIN/14 · DE

Barbara Hofer

Semester 1

Introduction to academic writing

2 CFU · 19000 · L-LIN/12 · EN

Simona Floare Bora

Semester 1

Academic writing - intermediate level

2 CFU · 19003 · L-LIN/14 · DE

Marjan Asgari

Semester 1

Introduction to academic writing

2 CFU · 19004 · L-FIL-LET/12 · IT

Vito De Nardis

Semester 1

Academic writing - intermediate level

2 CFU · 19005 · L-FIL-LET/12 · IT

Paola Baratter

Semester 1

Clowning for Education (lab.)

2 CFU · 12511 · M-PED/01 · EN

André Da Silva

Semester 1

Communication in educational work (lab.)

2 CFU · 12478 · M-PED/01 · IT

Michele Cagol

Semester 1

Information literacy workshop

2 CFU · 12355 · M-STO/08 · DE

Johann Kienzl

Semester 1

Academic writing - advanced level

2 CFU · 19007 · L-LIN/14 · DE

Margit Oberhammer

Semester 2

Italian Sign Language (In-depth analysis) lab.

2 CFU · 12484 · M-PED/03 · IT

Silvia D'Ortenzio

Semester 2

0-3 year olds

4 CFU · 11368 · M-PSI/04 · IT

Francesca Sangiuliano Intra

Semester 2

Working with parents (lab.)

2 CFU · 12480 · M-PED/01 · DE

Doris Kofler

Semester 2

Gifted education (lab.)

2 CFU · 12487 · M-PED/03 · DE

Bernadette Maria Grießmair

Semester 2

Easy language (lab.)

2 CFU · 12502 · M-PED/03 · DE

Claudia Bettina Scochi

Semester 2

Education of Media and Communication

2 CFU · 11450 · M-PED/01 · IT

Michele Cagol

Semester 2

Academic writing - intermediate level

2 CFU · 19001 · L-LIN/12 · EN

Cecilia Lazzeretti

Semester 2

Technologies for inclusion (lect)

2 CFU · 12516 · M-PED/03 · IT

Enrico Angelo Emili

Semester 2

Life skills and transversal competences (lab.)

2 CFU · 12479 · M-PSI/01 · IT

Demis Basso

Semester 2

Academic writing - advanced level

2 CFU · 19006 · L-LIN/12 · EN

Simona Floare Bora

Semester 2

German Sign Language A2.2 (lab.)

2 CFU · 12513 · M-PED/03 · DE

Barbara Schuster

Semester 1-2

Optional practical training in child day-care centres

4 CFU · 11373 · M-PED/01