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Freie Universität Bozen

Forscher:innen mit Zeitvertrag

Mustapha El Moussaoui

Short bio

Mustapha El Moussaoui is an architect, urbanist, and a researcher at Free University of Bolzano. In 2020 he obtained his doctorate from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. After that, he did a post-doctorate at the University of Coimbra - Portugal. Having studied architecture and philosophy, Mustapha took part in teaching courses in Lebanon, China, and Italy.
The focus of his research is on understanding the socio-cultural dynamics of the city and the existential well-being of its inhabitants. Moreover, he researches the effect of pandemics on our spaces and behavior from a phenomenological perspective. 


Darstellende Geometrie ART

97127 · MAT/03 · Bachelor in Design und Künste - Studienzweig Kunst · EN

Darstellende Geometrie DES

97099 · MAT/03 · Bachelor in Design und Künste - Studienzweig Design · EN

Urbanismus, Utopismus und Zukunftsstädte

89172 · ICAR/08 · Studium Generale · EN


Phenomenology in architecture
Existential well-being
Socio-cultural dynamics
Pandemics and space
Virtuality and space
Urban communities