ENG Faculty Research unibz news
Giovanni Pernigotto Awarded at IBPC 2024 in Toronto
Prof. Giovanni Pernigotto won a “Best Paper Award” for his research on the smart energy retrofit of historical buildings.
ENG Faculty Research unibz news
Prof. Giovanni Pernigotto won a “Best Paper Award” for his research on the smart energy retrofit of historical buildings.
ENG Faculty Research unibz news
Ali Bataleblu has won the award at the International Conference on Quality Innovation and Sustainability 2024 in Lisbon.
The new version of the Report on Research in the five Faculties and Competence Centres of unibz is now available for download.
ESF+ stellt der Universität bis 2028 finanzielle Mittel in Höhe von mehr als 5,6 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung, um die Ausbildungskosten für hochqualifiziertes Personal zu decken.
Research CC Cooperatives Press releases
"I nostri obiettivi? Ricerca competitiva e trasferimento di nuove conoscenze sulla gestione delle imprese cooperative", afferma il prof. Richard Lang, direttore del Centro.
EDU Faculty Research unibz news
Presentato nel campus di Bolzano il risultato del progetto che ha visto unibz collaborare con Lenovo Foundation e Motorola.
The three-day workshop is designed to prepare and train potential candidates for the MSCA PF program. It will take place from the 21st to the 23rd of May at the Bozen-Bolzano Campus.
AGR Faculty Research unibz news
The interdisciplinary team involved in the SUWIR project received prestigious recognition at the "Climate Change Resilience Practices for Mediterranean Perennial Crops" conference.
ENG Faculty Research unibz news
L’articolo pubblicato su Nature dal prof. Yuri Borgianni sfata alcuni miti associati a tecnologie come la AM e propone un nuovo approccio per renderle effettivamente più sostenibili.
ECO Faculty Press releases Research
Wie beeinflusst die Haltung der Aufnahmegesellschaft gegenüber Zuwanderung die Integration von kürzlich angekommenen Flüchtlingen?