DES Faculty EDU Faculty unibz news
MFEA Symposium geht in die sechste Runde
Die sechste Ausgabe des MFEA Symposiums beschäftigt sich mit der Ambivalenz von „beschädigtem“ Land, inspiriert von Malinowskis „Coral Gardens and Their Magic“.
Designers and artists have in common the ability to create communication that involves all the senses and, through their creations, to provoke a critical analysis of the status quo.
Art and design are not traditional forms of knowledge, however, they facilitate deep observation and knowledge in a way that few other disciplines do.
Our goal is to encourage the individual talent of our students; to guide them in the process of development of their professional competence and provide them with the practical and intellectual tools that enable them to perform their role as designers in and of society.
Our approach to study is interdisciplinary and team-based: teaching and learning happen through both studying and projects. A team of lecturers who are specialists in the practice and theory of art and design will regularly suggest to small groups of students new topics to work on.
DES Faculty EDU Faculty unibz news
Die sechste Ausgabe des MFEA Symposiums beschäftigt sich mit der Ambivalenz von „beschädigtem“ Land, inspiriert von Malinowskis „Coral Gardens and Their Magic“.
„Fragile structures“ - „Zerbrechliche Strukturen“: diese poetische Widersprüchlichkeit ist das Thema der Abschlussarbeiten, die am 19. und 20. Juli am Campus Bozen ausgestellt werden.
unibz student takes third place in Shenzen ahead of many competitors from 17 countries in the field of industrial design and cloud computing. He will now take part in WorldSkills 2026.
Design and Art are fields of exploration... they are expanding and adaptive with the quintessence to experiment, prototype and implement diverse ways of living, sensing and understanding our world, by creating new artefacts and processes. Therefore, Design and Art are fields where many approaches meet to tackle issues that cross our knowledge and competences whilst developing sound methods of investigations, characterised by integrative interdisciplinarity.
Our main research areas overlap and complement each other, focusing on:
The Platform was set up as a joint initiative of the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano and unibz and it has been active since September 2018. It promotes an interdisciplinary discussion on the practices of cultural heritage as cultural production to develop research, conservation, mediation and further development of the cultural heritage in the European region/Euregio Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino fostering social participation. The Platform is coordinated by Prof. Nitzan Cohen as scientific supervisor and Waltraud Kofler Engl as director, with the collaboration of Gaia Piccarolo as researcher.
Dean: Prof. Nitzan Cohen (photo)
Vice Dean for Studies: Prof. Roberto Gigliotti
Vice Dean for Research: Prof. Eva Leitolf
Head of the Faculty Secretariat: Andrea Caser
Student Representatives in the Faculty Council: Argentina Carrino, Matteo Antonazzo
The collaborative approach typical of our faculty is expressed by the many projects we collaborate on with external partners. We maintain a constructive and interdisciplinary exchange with partner faculties all over the world and with local institutions such as the European Academy (EURAC) and MUSEION, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Bozen. Our faculty is very active in the Euregio university network and collaborates with small and medium businesses from South Tyrol, with local councils and charities.
The Faculty's Showcase and Projects Archive is an online platform offering a general overview of the works created by our students since 2018 in the two Majors in Design, the Major in Art and the Master in Eco-Social Design.
27 Sept 2024 09:30-20:00