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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Tenured associate professors | Mathematics for Science and Technology

Giovanni Modanese

Short bio

I obtained my PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Pisa in 1992 and then worked as a post-doc at MIT (Boston), Max-Planck-Inst. (Munich) and ECT* (Trento). Starting from 2000 I have been contract lecturer at the Free University of Bolzano and then researcher and professor in Mathematical Physics. My main interests concern quantum and classical field theory, General Relativity and gravitation, complex systems also in connection to social science and economics, and related mathematical methods. I am author or co-author of 83 publications indexed in Scopus and 4 in WoS. Some of the most recent articles are linked below. See FULL SCOPUS/WoS LIST  See FULL TEXTS 




42124 · MAT/05 · L-9 Industrial and Mechanical Engineering - 2016 · EN

Linear Algebra

42402 · MAT/02 · L-8 Electronics and Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering · EN

Mathematics and Applied Statistics

40180 · MAT/07 · L-25 Agricultural, Food and Mountain Environmental Sciences · EN

Main Research Areas

Applied mathematics, complex systems, theoretical physics

Selected publications

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