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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Tenured full professors | General and Cognitive Psychology

Demis Basso

+39 0472 014294

BX A3.36c
Faculty of Education
Regensburger Allee 16 - viale Ratisbona, 16


Coaching I

15144I · PhD Education - 2023 · EN

General Psychology

64168 · M-PSI/01 · L-19 Social Education - 2021 · EN

General Psychology

51076 · M-PSI/01 · L-39 Social Work · EN

Kognitive Prozesse beim Lernen und Lehren /Processi cognitivi nell’insegnamento - apprendimento

82008 · M-PSI/01 · Training course 30 CP - Italian section · IT

Life skills and transversal competences (lab.)

12479 · M-PSI/01 · LM-85 bis Education Italian section · IT

Methodological courses and seminars 2nd study year: Coaching II

15140 · PhD General Pedagogy - 2017 · EN

Psychology of Communication

17205 · M-PSI/01 · L-20 Communication - 2012 · EN

Quantitative methodology

15144D · PhD Education - 2023 · EN

Theory: Psychology

95913P · M-PSI/04 · Master 1. level Design for children · IT

Work Experience 4

11426 · LM-85 bis Education Italian section · IT

Main Research Areas

Psychology and wellbeing promotion in educational contexts
Visuo-spatial planning, Attention and inhibition processes, Prospective memory, Visuo-spatial working memory, Human factors.


Rules for exams - August-September 2024
Under the section "Relevant Link" you can find the information sheet about the forthcoming session of exams. Deadline: 26.08.2024.

In order to avoid misunderstandings or unpleased surprises, please do NOT TRUST on colleagues of yours while collecting info on courses/exams of mine: if you have doubts, ASK DIRECTLY TO ME!

I accept ideas for final Thesis: Let's arrange for an argument (among those I can handle), and the experimental paradigm, then you will collect the data (with my assistence), I will run data analysis (if you can't do it) and, in the end, we will discuss the outcomes. Contact me if that would be of interest for you.

Relevant Links