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Freie Universität Bozen

Professor:innen auf Planstelle der 2. Ebene | Formal Languages, Logic, Theoretical CS.

Alessandro Artale

Short bio

Alessandro Artale is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Computer Science at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. He got a PhD in Computer Science at the department of "Systems Theory and Computer Science" at the University of Florence in 1994. From 1994 he got a Fellowship at the CNR-LADSEB in Padua; from 1996 he was Senior Researcher at the IRST institute in Trento (currently, FBK) in the research division headed by Oliviero Stock; from 1999 till 2003 he was Assistant Professor at the Department of Computation, UMIST, University of Manchester, UK.
His research activity has been internationally recognized being funded by the European Community or by National funding. He published papers in international journals and conferences, book chapters and national conferences.


Algorithms for Data Science

73053 · INF/01 · Master in Computational Data Science · EN

Formal Languages and Compilers

76214 · INF/01 · Bachelor in Informatik · IT


Description Logics,
Ontologies, Conceptual Modelling,Temporal Logic.