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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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Master in

Viticulture, Enology and Wine Marketing

This master aims at training graduates with a solid and in-depth preparation in fields of the vine and wine sector, including sustainable viticultural systems, precision and soft oenology, rapid and high-resolution quality control related to grape production, processing and marketing of the finished products (and collateral services and products). The programme is also part of the International Master of Science in Viticulture and Enology (Vinifera Euromaster).

Course description

The programme is structured in four semesters.

The first and second semester are held at the Conegliano campus of the University of Padua and have a focus on the economic and political aspects of the wine and vine supply chain, grapevine pest management, planning and project development in enology, wine constituents and grapevine physiology, statistics and experimental planning. Courses are taught in Italian.

The third and fourth semester may be attended at the Universities of Bozen-Bolzano, Udine or Verona.

The study programme at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is held in English and covers the Sustainable management of mountain viticulture within the landscape valorisation. The modules of the third semester (30 ECTS credit points) are: Protection and valorisation of viticultural systems in mountain areas, Vineyard management and wine production in mountain areas, Management of soil fertility in mountain vineyards and Characterization of mountain wines. The didactic activities in Bozen-Bolzano take advantage of the collaboration with the strong vine and wine industry of South Tyrol and with other local research Institutions.

In the fourth semester students have to do an internship and write their master thesis.

The programme is offered in cooperation with Università di Udine, Università di Padova and Università di Verona. The path Sustainable Management of Mountain Viticulture within the Alpine Landscape Valorization is currently offered at unibz.

Coordinator of the study programme at unibz: Prof. Stefano Cesco

You must apply to the University of Udine (administrative seat of the consortium).

Udine Website

Courses will definetely be starting


Selection procedure for the assignment of six scholarships for students of cohort 2023 enrolled in the Master in Viticulture, Oenology and Wine Marketing (LM-69) at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in the academic year 2024-25

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