Access to the acquired titles published by CABI between 2011 and 2019 and subscription to the 2020 and 2022 titles.
Evidence-based subscription to more than 40.000 titles published by Cambridge University Press and partner publishers:
Subscription to more than 600 textbooks published by Cambridge University Press
Evidence-based subscription to the complete collection.
Evidence-based subscription to more than 100.000 titles by De Gruyter and partner publishers from 2014 copyright year onwards:
Trial access to a collection of more than 22.000 titles covering business and related disciplines. Publishers and titles list is available here.
Evidence-based subscription to a collection of ~40.000 books in English language published by Elsevier and partner publishers. Imprints included are:
Evidence-based subscription to a collection of ~3.000 books in English language published by Emerald.
Access to the electronic version of more than 1.000 titles acquired in print format and partial access to a catalogue of 3.000 ebook published by Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre in the field of law.
Access is granted only on campus or via VPN by clicking on LOGIN PER IP.
Evidence-based subscription to a collection of ~2.000 books published by Hanser Verlag in the fields of engineering, computer science and business.
Evidence-based subscription to more than 50.000 titles published by these publishers.
Subscription to a selection of textbooks published by McGraw-Hill Education.
Subscription to a selection of approx. 3.000 ebooks published by:
Availability in the catalogue: Manually updated (Last update: 18/7/2024)
Subscription to the complete O' Reilly Safari Books Online. Publishers include:
Evidence-based subscription to the complete collection of the Oxford Handbooks Online.
Access to a selection of acquired titles and evidence-based subscription to more than 34.000 titles published by Oxford University Press and partner presses including:
These collections and more recent titles are now included in the Springer collections (see below).
Subscription to a selection of textbooks published by Pearson.
Access to the eBook collection (more than one million titles) of several publishers.
Evidence-based subscription to more than 5.000 titles published by SAGE.
Evidence-based subscription to more than 16.000 titles published by the following publishers:
Subscription to the complete ebook collection.
Evidence-based subscription to titles published between 2017 and 2024 in the fields of Area Studies, Behavioral Sciences, Bioscience, Built Environment, Computer Science, Economics, Finance, Business & Industry, Education, Environment & Agriculture, Engineering & Technology, Environment & Sustainability, Food Science & Technology, Global Development, Health & Social Care, Humanities, Language, Literature and Linguistics, Physical Sciences, Politics & International Relations, Research Methods, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Gender Studies, Sociology & Social Policy, Sports and Leisure, Tourism, Hospitality and Events, .
Access to selected titles with previous copyright years in all disciplines.
Publisher List includes:
Annual subscription to the complete collection and perpetual access to the acquired titles.
Evidence-based subscription to more than 20.000 ebooks published by Wiley.
Subscription to a selection of textbooks published by Zanichelli.