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Libera Università di Bolzano

Professoresse e Professori associati di ruolo

Elisabeth Tauber

Short bio

Working as an anthropologist among designers, allows me to realise the surprising  ways in which their gaze on the world  alters our view on different environments. As an anthropologist, I contribute to (re)thinking design with critical reflection and descriptions. My ethnographic research with Sinti had led me to questions of flight-marriage, relationships with the deceased, gift economies and of the appreciation of people who do not need writing for their historical memory. Currently, I am working in different research teams exploring grasslands and their more-than-human actors, as well as on questions on how to understand and translate the possible communications between different species.


Antropologia culturale

97133 · M-DEA/01 · Corso di laurea in Design e Arti - Curriculum in Arte · EN

Antropologia culturale

97133 · M-DEA/01 · Corso di laurea in Design e Arti - Curriculum in Design · EN

Antropologia dei processi interculturali

17204 · M-DEA/01 · Corso di laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione e Cultura · DE

Cultural Anthropology

96114 · M-DEA/01 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Design eco-sociale · EN

Metodi di ricerca etnografici

15144E · Corso di Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze Educative e Sociali · EN

Teoria: Sociologia

95913Q · SPS/08 · Master di I livello in Design per bambini: oggetti, spazi, processi ed esperienze · EN


Co-coordinatior of the Malinowski Forum for Ethnography and Anthropology.

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