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Libera Università di Bolzano

Alfredo De Massis

Short bio

Alfredo De Massis is Professor of Entrepreneurship & Family Business and Director of the Centre for Family Business Management at the Free University of Bolzano where he is also the Leader of the Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Management Cluster (Dept.). He co-directs family business research projects at Lancaster University Management School, UK. In 2015, Family Capital ranked him among the world’s top 25 star professors for family business. He serves as Associate Editor of Family Business Review and on the Editorial Boards of Entrepreneurship Theory & PracticeStrategic Entrepreneurship Journal and Journal of Family Business Strategy. His research has been published widely in leading academic and professional journals including AMJ,JBV,JMS,ETPJPIMAMPFBRGSJ,JBE,CMR.


Family Business Management

25564 · SECS-P/08 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Imprenditorialità e Innovazione · EN

Gestione dell’impresa familiare

25422 · SECS-P/08 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Accounting e Finanza · EN

Gestione delle PMI

27341 · SECS-P/08 · Corso di laurea in Economia e Management · EN


He guest edited 20 special issues in journals like SMJJMS,ETP,JPIM. His research has been featured in various media outlets including Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, CNBC, Sole24Ore, and he is regularly interviewed in TV programs, newspapers and magazines on family business issues. He serves on the Advisory Council of Harvard Business Review, on the Academic Advisory Board of the Institute for Family Business Research Foundation in London, on the Board of Supervisors of the Grenke Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies in Berlin, and he is the former Chair of the Family Business Research SIG at the European Academy of Management and the former Chairman of the European Leadership Council & Global Board Member of the Global STEP Project for Family Enterprising at Babson College, USA.

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