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Libera Università di Bolzano

Professoresse e Professori associati di ruolo | Tourism and Event Management & Marketing

Linda Osti

Short bio

Linda Osti holds a PhD from Victoria University (Australia) with a thesis on consumer behaviour in tourism. From 2017 to 2020 she was the coordinator of the Research Cluster in Tourism, Marketing and Regional Development and is now member of the Managing Board of the Competence Centre Tourism and Mobility.
She has been involved in several research projects in cooperation with national and international universities and industry partners. Her main areas of research expertise relate to consumer behaviour in tourism, authenticity, and rural tourism.
Before joining unibz, she worked at Victoria University and Southern Cross University in Australia teaching and undertaking research in tourism, event management and marketing related topics


Gestione delle Destinazioni Turistiche

31000 · SECS-P/08 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Management del Turismo · EN

Gestione e pianificazione degli eventi

30182 · SECS-P/08 · Corso di laurea in Management del Turismo, dello Sport e degli Eventi · IT

Laboratorio di Turismo Smart

31007 · SECS-P/08 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Management del Turismo · EN

Management del Turismo: problematiche attuali

30189 · SECS-P/08 · Corso di laurea in Management del Turismo, dello Sport e degli Eventi · EN

Macroaree di ricerca

Consumer behaviour, Green tourism, Authenticity


Linda Osti holds a PhD from Victoria University (Australia) with a thesis on consumer behaviour in tourism. From 2017 to 2020 she was the coordinator of the Research Cluster in Tourism, Marketing and Regional Development and is now member of the Managing Board of the Competence Centre Tourism and Mobility.
She has been involved in several research projects in cooperation with national and international universities and industry partners. Her main areas of research expertise relate to consumer behaviour in tourism, authenticity, and rural tourism.
Before joining unibz, she worked at Victoria University and Southern Cross University in Australia teaching and undertaking research in tourism, event management and marketing related topics.