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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Researchers with a fixed-term contract

Luciano Marzufero

Short bio

I was born in Camerino (MC), Italy, in 1993. I got the scientific high school diploma in my native city. I took the Bachelor and the M.Sc. in Mathematics at the University of Camerino and the Ph.D. in Mathematics at the Univerisity of Trento. I am mainly interested in Optimal Control and Mean-Field Games. For more information and an updated CV, visit my personal webpage linked below.


M-2 Mathematics for Economists TSE

30162B · SECS-S/06 · L-18 Tourism, Sport & Event Management · EN

Main Research Areas

Viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations; optimal stopping and switching problems; hybrid control; differential games; optimal visiting mean-field games; continuity equations with sinks and sources; mean-field models with applications in urban planning.

Selected publications