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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Course Offering

On this page we show the lectures that are currently offered in the two semesters. It does not illustrate the structure of the study programme.

Target: Single subject and exchange students


Semester 1-2

Thematic lectures

2 CP · 15150

Semester 1-2

First evaluation of the research content, 1st study year, including the drafting of the research design (state of art, research question, methodology)

5 CP · 15151

Semester 1-2

Coaching III

1 CP · 15135

Semester 1-2

Application of a contribution for a peer-reviewed journal or volume

8 CP · 15137

Semester 1-2

Annual evaluation: presentation to the Board of Professors with discussion and written documentation of the research activities carried out in the 2nd study year

15 CP · 15121

Semester 1-2

First evaluation of the research content, 2nd study year, including the drafting of the research design (state of art, research question, methodology)

10 CP · 15154

Semester 1-2

Participation in a language course (recommended in the language with the lowest level) or language certificate attesting proficiency in the third language according to the table of the unibz recognize

2 CP · 15134

Semester 1-2

Coaching II

3 CP · 15149

Semester 1-2

Application of a paper to an international conference

5 CP · 15133

Semester 1-2

Participation in a language course (recommended in the language with the lowest level) or language certificate attesting proficiency in the third language according to the table of the unibz recognize

2 CP · 15126

Semester 1-2

Research stay abroad (university or research centre)

25 CP · 15132

Semester 1-2

Methodological courses 1st study year

35 CP · 15144

Philosophy of science

0 CP · 15144A

English for Academic purposes

0 CP · 15144F

Information Literacy

0 CP · 15144G

Research Ethics

0 CP · 15144H

Coaching I

0 CP · 15144I

Systematic Literature review

0 CP · 15144J · IT

Silvia Dell'Anna

Semester 1-2

Presentation of research to the Board of Professors

6 CP · 15155

Semester 1-2

Activity of choice: Winter-Summer-Spring-Schools; Documented participation in seminars-courses meaningfully related to research or participation in a conference organization committee; Documented rese

6 CP · 15152

Semester 1-2

Annual evaluation: presentation to the Board of Professors with discussion and written documentation of the research activities carried out in the 1st study year

10 CP · 15153